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Free AAC Tech & Track Consultation

Get guidance on next steps for identifying the right AAC device for your learner

15 min

Descripción del servicio

Are you looking for guidance to help you select the best AAC device, app, or support for a communicator in your life? Maybe you are using AAC with a communicator but it just isn't working the way you'd hoped. Or maybe you have a system you like but you don't have any clue where to start learning and teaching AAC. We are partnering with our sister organization - Summit AAC & Autism Support- to offer parents, caregivers, and professionals a free consultation that aims to identify services to help you get an AAC device that works, and use it with your communicator effectively. Please note - This consultation is not meant to replace an AAC evaluation or treatment session. You will receive general guidance and be connected with services offered at Summit AAC and elsewhere to help you take the next steps you're looking for.

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